Med tanke på den senaste tidens eskalerade repression mot demonstranter, särskilt i samband med dom soldaritetsläger för Gaza och den
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Anarchist Black Cross Gothenburg
No one is free until all are free
Med tanke på den senaste tidens eskalerade repression mot demonstranter, särskilt i samband med dom soldaritetsläger för Gaza och den
Continue readingSpring ner murarna 2022! Äntligen är det dags att återigen få snöra på sig löparskorna och springa/gå i solidaritet med
Continue readingOn June 7th 2020, there was a Black Lives Matter solidarity demo in Gothenburg Sweden, just as there had already
Continue readingThis text along with the related Firefund can also be found at For a few years Gothenburg was one
Continue readingToday is the first day of the annual week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners, August 23 to 30. This is
Continue readingThe following is a message from Fånggruppen Syd On July 27th there will be a presentation and info about the
Continue readingThe following is a text from Family and Friends of Prisoners, Bulgaria. Jock Palfreeman’s hunger strike is in it’s 30th
Continue readingBlev du eller har du en kamrat som blev omhändertagen av polis i samband med den antifascistiska demonstrationen den 1:a
Continue readingThe following is a text from, translated by The Russian Reader. The court trial in the case of the
Continue readingThe following is a bullet point-summary of a lecture about demo know-how for activists that we gave on our Day
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